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Month: February 2016

The unhealthy power dynamics

She can even try to talk with you because everything you say is “FINLAND ISN REAL FINLAND ISN REAL EASTERN SWEDEN LMAO”. You become a parody of your own self. Amd that all you are. The opportunity where I could confuse someone for someone else. Small talk with people I tangentially know. GROCERY STORES.

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This is your sex life, after all, not your mother’s sex life,

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Silly has a pair of boobs that can be used for fucking, rubbing, sucking and playing with it. It has a nice pussy that feels as close to the real thing as it can get. It has an anus but I am not sure that it would feel much different from the pussy simply because they share the same canal/tube that is ribbed and has this realistic vaginal texture, plus the anal opening is very stretchy..

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[64] Harden’s career best December run earned him Western

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